Update on the Hatching at Black Oak Hollow
The Muscovies have been quite busy! We have 16, one week old muscovies, one day old muscovies, one muscovy sitting on 15 eggs, one sitting on 2 eggs, and then we have another 21 eggs in the incubator!
The thing I have learned about hatching Muscovies, the basic rule of thumb for the incubation period is not what it seems. Whether it be in an incubator or under the belly of a muscovy, it seems my baby ducklings are taking more like 41 to 42 days to hatch, not 35 days like so many websites and books insist. The last three clutches have taken exactly 41 days to hatch.
Right now, we have an additional 18 ducklings. And, just like before, they took exactly 41 days to hatch. I often wonder after my experiences, how many ducklings are lost after 37 days. I have had several people tell me that after 37 days, they dispose of the eggs. I on the other hand, candle every egg before I decide to dispose of it, and I am finding that after 35 days, I am incubating eggs 11 days longer and hatching almost all of them.
All eggs with the exception of one hatched. I did have two eggs go 45 days and both ducklings were perfectly healthy! I also have 28 more duck eggs in another incubator simply because my one duck, Bam Bam, decided she needed to assist in the caring of the first 16 eggs hatched by Pebbles. So I put all 28 eggs in the incubator and, after candling, I have life in all 28 eggs! According to the incubator, they will arrive in 6 days, but I am assuming from previous experience, I will not see ducklings for an additional 11 days. I will keep you posted with my findings!
Our 6 day old muscovy ducks! 23 ducklings available!
We now have one of our girls laying in the hollow of one of the oak trees that, years earlier, was hit by lightning. Smoky has taken up residence and has begun her motherly duties, which includes not moving for 35 to 41 days.
Smokey begins her journey of sitting for 35+ days!
We have had two more surprises. One of our Cochins broods in her coop and to our surprise, 2 little Cochins have hatched.
Our biggest surprise, however, has been our Silkies. We cannot keep them from brooding as soon as there is an egg! To our great surprise, we had 11 little chicks appear in the last 6 days! When we moved the hens to see how many more there may be, and to make sure all was fine, we learned that 14 more little silkies are on their way!