The First Harvest

We planted our first garden in March and have had much success with our cabbage, beets, radishes, lettuce and onions.  But to our dismay, we had little success with our broccoli and cauliflower.  Both went right to flowering. My husband and I have spent the last 30 years gardening, and neither of us have seen broccoli or cauliflower flower so quickly! If anyone out there has explanations or tips as how to handle this problem, please feel free to comment!  I would love to find out why.  

Other than that, the vegetables are very healthy and growing fast! We are still waiting for the red onions to come to full size as we have picked all our green onions. Last night we picked two heads of, what I would like to call perfect, cabbage. We also planted red cabbage, which is yet to come to a complete head.  

We also planted corn, watermelon, cantaloupe and pumpkins in the lower garden near the pond. With all the rain we have experienced, all are growing rapidly.  We did get a late start planting the following vegetables: green beans, yellow beans, zucchini squash, yellow squash, patty pan squash, tomatoes (both grape tomatoes and beef stake tomatoes), as well as peppers of all kinds (green, yellow, red, banana, jalapeño, and hot peppers), and last but not least sweet potatoes!  We have also planted many, many sunflowers: many line the road in front of our farm as well as maybe a 100 have begun growing near the coops!