Fried Green Tomatoes


Fried green tomatoes are a classic dish, popular with family members of all ages, and fairly easy to prepare. If you bring these to the table, I guarantee you’ll come come away with a cleared platter!


  • 2 or 3 green tomotoes

  • 1.5 cups of flour

  • 1 TBS garlic salt

  • 1 TSP salt

  • 1 TBS Lawry’s Seasoned Salt (it makes a difference)

  • 3 eggs

  • Vegetable oil

Step One:

Prep time!

Slice your tomatoes to about 1/4 an inch wide slices and set them onto a paper towel. Sprinkle the tomatoes with salt in order to draw out the moisture, and allow them to sit for a few minutes while you make your flour mixture and whip up your egg dip.

Beat your eggs and pour the mixture into a wide bowl or pie plate, and then mix your flour with your seasoned salt and garlic salt and pour it into a plate or pie plate.

You will need a platter for your tomatoes to serve your tomatoes once they are fried so line a platter with paper towels and set that aside.

At this time, fill your frying pan with about 3/4 of an inch of vegetable oil, and put it on medium-high heat.

Now go back to your tomatoes and pat them down with paper towels. The salt will have drawn out the moisture, which will make them even better once they’re fried.

At this point, I recommend making an assembly line for your tomatoes. I like to line up the plates in the following order: tomatoes, egg mixture, seasoned flour.

Test the oil by flicking a bit of flour into the oil. If the flour sizzles, you’re ready to fry!

Step Two:

Dip a tomato slice into your egg mixture before putting it into the flour and seasoning mix. Thoroughly coat the slice in flour before carefully putting it into the oil. The oil should immediately begin sizzling. Repeat this process with more slices. I usually fry five or six tomatoes at a time.

Once the edges turn golden brown, flip the tomato slices and continue frying them. Check their color with a spatula in a few minutes.




Once the tomatoes are golden brown, remove them from the oil with a slotted spatula, and place them onto your paper towel lined platter. Repeat step number two until all of your slices are fried and ready to serve.

That’s it! Like I said, this is an easy dish, and I’m certain that you’ll love it just as much as my family does!