Fabulous Fig Jam...

Our fig tree of plenty!

Our fig tree of plenty!

Figs galore!

Figs galore!

When we first moved here, my husband saw the fig tree and was very excited about it.

I, on the other hand, didn't think much about it! :-)

Not sure why I never ate fresh figs, since I love the healthy foods, but after trying them straight off the tree, I love them. I had only ever had them dried.  

So this year, I decided to make Fig Jam. My grandmother made several different jams but I never remember fig.  So off I set to make up my own recipe as I have a tendency to do. I am the one that someone will ask, "Do you know what you are doing or have you done this before?" And my response is no but I'm about to find out! You make a way and bring whimsy to your day. Kind of like when someone asked me last week if I knew anything about pigs or peacocks... the answer was well, no, but we are about to find out, as I will be picking up both in the next couple of weeks. But that is a story for another day!

First batch I attempted didn't have enough figs and had way too much sugar.  Second batch, I added more figs and less sugar and I came up with something everyone here at home seems to like!  I do think that next year when I make it, I will probably add more figs. I do love extra fruit and a thick jam.

Below you will find a list of ingredients and instructions.  Have fun with it by adding or taking away from the recipe.  Always good to try new things!



4 dozen or 5 cups of figs (I quarter mine but most will dice their figs)

1/4 cup of water

1/2 cup of fresh lemon juice

4 1/2  cups of sugar

1 box of powder of pectin (I use the jar and measure our the equivalent of a box of pectin)

6 - 1/2 pint jelly jars and lids




1. Fill canner with water and place on stove on high heat to prepare for canning the jam.  Once the water boils, place the jars on the rack that sits inside of the canner.  

2. Heat lids and rings in a pan of boiling water for about 5 mins.  Remove and sit aside on a cooling rack. 

3. Wash and cut up figs. I cut the figs into quarters

Whole Figs!

Whole Figs!


4. Place figs into a 8 quart pan, add the water, lemon juice and pectin. Bring to a boil and gradually add the 3 cups of sugar as you stir.  Bring to a full boil for about 2 minutes. You will see it start to thicken.  Skim off any foam. 

Bringing the figs, lemon juice, water, and pectin to a boil.

Bringing the figs, lemon juice, water, and pectin to a boil.

Adding the sugar to the fig mixture and bringing to a full boil!

Adding the sugar to the fig mixture and bringing to a full boil!


5. Let it stand for a few minutes and add the hot jam to the 1/2 pint jars. 

6. Place in canner of boiling water for 15 mins.  Take off and sit on dish cloth to cool. Do not touch until cooled and sealed. You will see that the center is pushed down, and you should hear a little pop when they seal!  

Fig Jam complete!

Fig Jam complete!

7.  If any jam is left, place in 1/2 pint jars and place in refrigerator to use within the week.  

This jam is great on toast, bagels, english muffins, used as a drizzle, or as an ice cream topping!