about us
We are a family run farm located in central North Carolina. We are also the home to several rescue animals that include, goats, potbelly pigs, ducks, an emu, a miniature donkey, 2 babydoll wethers, chickens, a couple dogs and a cat. If at any time, should you now of an animal seeking a forever home, please contact us and we will help you any way we can. This was a dream of our daughter, Lexi. She was constantly seeking homes for any any animal that needed a safe loving home. She brought. many animals to our home and farm giving them all the love and care they needed. We will continue to offer loving homes to animals seeking a safe place to call home..
Furthermore, We raise Nigerian Dwarf goats, muscovy ducks, Southdown Babydoll sheep, and peacocks. Our Nigerian Dwarf herd was another passion of Lexis and we will continue to complete a herd of only Longs B*O*H Nigerian dwarf goats. We are also in the process of completing a flock of just registered Longs BOH Southdown Babydoll Sheep. We are hoping to be able to utilize their amazing wool. We also enjoy growing our own fresh fruits and vegetables. Some of this produce is available for purchase but the majority of it will either be canned or frozen so that we can have fresh organic vegetables and fruits year round.